Industrial Ventilation Fan

Industrial ventilation fan is a large-scale ventilation system used with industrial plants. These systems are used to provide air flow and temperature control in production facilities as well as dust filtration processes. They can also have different sizes, capacities and technical specifications.

Industrial ventilation fan is manufactured from durable materials and can therefore adapt to heavy working conditions. In addition, these devices, which require low maintenance, promise a long-lasting use.

Ventilation systems are used in many sectors. In fact, especially in some sectors, their use has been made compulsory within the scope of occupational health and safety measures. Ensuring the flow of fresh air in the working environment is vital for the protection of the health of employees. The use of these systems also increases the efficiency of production processes.

Ventilation Fan Industrial Type

Industrial ventilation fans are used in factories, warehouses, industrial furnaces, chemical plants, construction and mines. These fans have the power to move large amounts of air. They can also meet different air flow rates and pressure requirements.

Industrial type ventilation systems can provide air circulation in very large areas. They are designed to withstand high temperatures and severe industrial conditions. These devices can be of different sizes and capacities. In addition, they do not disturb the environment with control systems that reduce noise. Ventilation fans, which can have additional features such as heating, cooling and filtering, can operate at high performance.

The areas of use of ventilation fans are as follows:

Sanayi Tipi Havalandırma Fanı
Removal of chemical vapors and gases in the chemical industry.
Used in construction and mines to remove dust and improve air quality.
Preferred for fresh air circulation or cooling processes in large warehouses.
Contributes to temperature control and air purification in industrial production facilities.
Useful for the healthy development of animals and plants in large greenhouses, agricultural facilities and stables.
In food processing plants; removes smoke, vapor and bad odors.

What are Industrial Fan Types?

Industrial ventilation fan is designed according to the needs of the sector and area where it will be used. At this point, the needs and physical conditions of the facility should be well analyzed. In addition to roof-mounted fans, wall-mounted fans are also produced. In addition to physical conditions, factors such as the performance characteristics of the device, energy efficiency and ease of maintenance should also be taken into consideration when choosing a fan.

Industrial fans are divided into radial fans, centrifugal fans, axial fans and axial fans according to their working principles.

AİRFAN is a company that produces industrial ventilation systems. You can contact us for more detailed information about the technical specifications and prices of the devices.