AIR-FAN AIR TECHNICAL DEVICES MAK. İNŞ. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. is an engineering company providing services in the field of energy, heat and air techniques.
2006 Today
Air-Fan Industrial
Ventilation Systems
AIR-FAN HAVA TEKNİĞİ CİHAZLARI MAK. İNŞ. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. is an engineering company providing services in the field of energy, heat and air techniques. Its journey in the sector started in 2006 by Mehmet Özkalalı in an area of 1200 m² in Kazan Organised Industrial Zone, and in 2018, due to the increasing capacity, it moved its factory to Başkent Organised Industrial Zone with a total area of 7.000 m² in order to increase the working area and continues its production activities.
The most important goal of AIR-FAN A.Ş.’s Quality Policy is to produce high quality solutions that meet ever-changing customer needs above expectations at affordable prices and deliver them on time.

Young, dynamic
Trained staff…
By giving importance to its young, dynamic and educated staff, it aims to do the best in every work it does with an approach that develops, renews itself and aims one hundred per cent customer satisfaction without compromising on occupational health-safety and quality policy, and to contribute to the economy of its country and its environment by increasing the quality of its production and services.
Our vision is to be one of the leading companies in the world by continuing our investments by following the developing standards with our competent and creative staff who have internalised the importance of information and technology, without compromising company reliability and product quality.
Considering our values in the work we do
we have it.
Considering our values in the work we do
we have it.